Saturday, January 25, 2020
Yoga As A Health Benefit
Yoga As A Health Benefit The classical techniques of Yoga date back more than 5,000 years. While Yoga has been used in India for centuries to treat disease, only recently has there been scientific evidence and growing interest in the benefits of therapeutic yoga as a specialty treatment which combines postures, breathing exercises, mindfulness, and meditation. The cross-fertilization of Western science with ideas from ancient Eastern wisdom systems has been adding scientific legitimacy to the discipline of yoga over the last few decades. Medical professionals and scientists are pursuing yoga-related research, focusing on its potential to prevent, heal, or alleviate specific conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, diabetes, and symptoms of menopause, and its benefits as a technique for relieving stress and coping with chronic conditions or disabilities. Evidence-based publications report on clinical benefits associated with yoga, including reaction time, respirat ory endurance, proprioception, and other physiological and psychological effects. Mudras (yoga for the hands) are defined as hand gestures that are historically grounded in the ancient Indian arts and sciences. Referring to gestures or attitude, the science of yoga describes mudras as a means to control or alter the mood by reorienting or focusing the flow of prana (vital spiritual energy) in desired directions or concentrating it at specific places within the body. Modern yoga literature explains Mudras as seals or circuit bypasses for energy currents. Mudras can be used to improve hand strength and flexibility after injury because they are a simple, portable, enjoyable, and economic exercises and research shows that regular yoga practice can be used to improve overall body strength and flexibility. Some of what is taught by yoga teachers in classes, books and journals defies modern understanding of anatomy and physiology or is grounded in metaphysics that is off-putting or virtually incomprehensible. But now, scientists are able to look at the body and brain with increasing precision, detecting subtle changes that practitioners of yoga and meditation undergo. The majority of scientific research on yoga takes place in India and is very difficult to access in the United States. Because few yoga studies were previously conducted in the West, most American scientists dismissed Indian yoga research due to methodological problems, such as a lack of control groups in the studies. The methodology has improved significantly and it can be argued that currently, many Indian yoga studies are superior to many of those conducted in the West. Given the Western allopathic model, translating the information using the language and perspective of science as much as possible is recommended to demo nstrate to physicians and other health care professionals how therapeutic yoga can benefit patients. As yoga moves deeper into the mainstream, and as research dollars for complementary and integrative health systems increase, the number of yoga practitioners and health professionals are increasing. The number of randomized clinical trials is growing as well. Improved study designs are being used both in India and the United States. In just the last few years, research has documented the efficacy of yoga for such conditions as back pain, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, cancer, heart disease, and even tuberculosis. The 2008 Yoga in America study shows 15.8 million people currently practice and also revealed an upward trend in the therapeutic medical use of yoga. According to the study, nearly 14 million Americans reported a doctor or therapist recommending yoga to them. Nearly half of all adults agreed that yoga would be a beneficial treatment for a medical condition. Yoga as medicine represents the next great yoga wave, says Kaitlin Quistgaard, editor in chief of Yoga Journal. In the n ext few years, we will be seeing a lot more yoga in health care settings and more yoga recommended by the medical community as new research shows that yoga is a valuable therapeutic tool for many health conditions. There are 112 clinical trials utilizing yoga currently listed on the National Institutes of Health web site. These involve numerous medical conditions including arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer, chronic neck pain, chronic back pain, asthma, kyphosis, etc. The individual trials are being conducted at medical centers across the country and involve thousands of patients. Evidence regarding the medical benefit of yoga shows mixed results. There are several reasons for this, including funding obstacles. The biggest challenge yoga studies face is that given the best intentions, it is difficult to properly ascertain the effectiveness of yoga as an exercise therapy. Yoga is not easily fit into the form of study that is most often used to prove effectiveness, the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. While it is possible to design a placebo form of study, it would be exceedingly difficult to conceal from participants and researchers the practice of real yoga versus an inauthentic version. It is inevitable that some compromise with the research standards is required, and the compromise used in most studies is not ideal. Oftentimes, the practice of yoga is compared to no treatment. The problem with such studies is that a treatment, any treatment, frequently appears as better than no treatment due to multiple factors. A better trial design would be compare yoga practice to a generic form of exercise, such as daily walking. To date, this design has not been commonly implemented. Hatha yoga has been studied in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. In one study, forty-two individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome were randomly assigned to receive either yoga instruction or a wrist splint for a period of eight weeks. The results indicated that yoga was more effective than the wrist splint. The study results were soundly criticized due to a serious design flaw as participants in the control group were simply offered the wrist splint and given the choice of using it or not. Critics stated they would have preferred for subjects to have received options such as fake laser acupuncture or phony yoga postures rather than nothing. Experience from numerous studies shows that when people believe they are receiving an effective treatment, they report improvement regardless of the nature of the treatment. The School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania used yoga to treat a group of patients with osteoarthritis of the hands. The treated group improved significantly more than the control group in pain during activity, tenderness, and finger range of motion. The randomized controlled clinical trial, published in the Journal of Rheumatology in 1994, concluded, This yoga-derived program was effective in providing relief in hand osteoarthritis. Further studies are needed to compare this with other treatments and to examine long-term effects. In another small study published in the British Journal of Rheumatology, it was found that a three-month program of gentle asana and breathing techniques resulted in improved grip strength in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. As an interesting note, Robin Monro, PhD, of the London Based Yoga Biomedical Trust found that that all patients wished to continue the practice after the study was finalized. Yoga poses called asanas work by safely stretching muscles. This releases lactic acid that builds up with muscles use and causes stiffness, tension, pain, and fatigue. In addition, yoga increases the range of motion in joints. It may also increase cellular joint lubrication. The outcome is a sense of ease and fluidity throughout the body. Yoga stretches not only muscles, but the bodys soft tissues as well, including ligaments, tendons, and the fascia sheath surrounding muscles. Vigorous exercises and precise alignment poses can provide strength and endurance benefits. Some yoga styles use specific meditation techniques to quiet the constant mind chatter that often underlies stress. Other yoga styles use deep breathing techniques to focus the mind on breath. Once focused, the mind settles down and becomes more calm and quiet. Yogas anti-stress benefits may include a reduction in catecholamines, the adrenal gland stress hormone. Another benefit of yoga is its unique way of massaging th e internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough way, including those such as the prostate gland that are rarely stimulated externally. Massage and stimulation of the organs can serve to prevent and also provide early forewarning of disease. A practicing physician for over twenty years, in his book Yoga as Medicine, David Coulter, MD, says that yoga is the most powerful system of overall health and well-being he has ever seen. He describes it as a single comprehensive system that, among other things, has been shown to increase strength, flexibility, and balance, enhance immune function, lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, facilitate weight loss, strengthen bones, prevent injuries as well as improve psychological well-being. As the major blockages of physical and energy flows are removed through the practice of yoga asanas, pranayama and bandhas, it is believed that advanced practitioners utilize Mudras to effect extraordinary self-control of prana in the brain and the central nervous system. Swami Satyanand Saraswati observed that Mudras provide a means to access and influence the unconscious reflexes and primal, instinctive habit patterns that originate in the primitive areas of the brain around the brain stem. They establish a subtle, non-intellectual connection with these areas. Each Mudra sets up a different link and has a correspondingly different effect on the body, mind and prana. Echoing that concept is a recent study sponsored by the NIH National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), in collaboration with the Hofstra University School of Medicine and San Diego State University, which showed sign language being largely processed in the same brain regions as spoken lang uage, including the inferior frontal gyrus in the front left side of the brain and the posterior temporal region toward the back left side of the brain. Dr. Braun believes that developing a better understanding of brain systems supporting gestures and words may also help in the treatment of some patients with aphasia. The palms and fingers of the hands contain an abundance of nerve endings, which continually emit bioelectric energy. Touching or pressing specific points on the fingers and the thumb folded in specific manner activates specific nerve or nerve bundles thus triggering specific signals. This is what makes certain Mudras suitable for enhancing mental and physical effects. The importance of specific points and portions of hand (and other parts of the body) can also be seen in healing effects of acupressure on the physical body. The advanced effects of yoga and of Mudras in particular are associated with mental refinement, deep meditation and spiritual conditioning. Even for beginning practitioners, Mudras utilized as physical exercises can increase manual dexterity and can be effective for stretching and maintaining hand mobility. Exactly when and where systematized and stylized gestures originated remains a mystery, however almost all ancient cultures made use of hand signs in one way or another. Mudras, or hand gestures, were employed in early religion, rhetoric, art, social gatherings and by trade guilds. The Comacines, the builders of Europes finest cathedrals, and the trade guild known as the Dionysiac Artificers who were responsible for the construction of ancient buildings and structures, all made use of hand signs as a system of communication and protection of their conclaves or secret meetings against unauthorized entry. In Hinduism and Buddhism, hundreds of Mudras were used in yogic practice for ceremonies, drama, and dance. Most of these were symbolic in nature, but others had metaphysical virtues. There are literally hundreds of Mudra-gestures formed by the ancient yogis and sages. They are all based on four basic hand positions: the open palm, the hollowed palm, the closed fist, and the hand with fingertips together. Cheironomy is the term used to denote the study of ritualistic hand gestures and spontaneous movements in directing vocal music. This primarily refers to esoteric symbolism and certain forms or gestures and signs used in religious rites. The religious ceremonies of many ancient cultures considered gestures vital as they were believed to contain powers to call upon the gods, to unfold powers, and to affect surroundings. In occultism, each hand gesture embodies a particular significance and force. Ancient Egyptians regarded even the pictorial representations of their pharaohs as highly potent. Whether creating statutes or depicting pharaohs in murals, the artists were careful to represent Mudras accurately, fearing harsh consequences for misrepresentation. Mudras also play an important role in the Indian Classical Dance. There are single hand gestures, called Asamyukta Hastah, which can be performed by either the right hand only or the left hand only or by both hands simultaneously without combining the two hands. The gestures formed by uniting both hands are called Samyukta Hastah. According to the ancient scripture Abhinaya Darpana (Nandikeshwara) there are twenty-eight single hand gestures and twenty-four united hand gestures. These hand gestures or Mudras are frequently used in the Indian Classical Dance known as Bharatanatyam. There are Mudras which represent all the Gods and Goddesses (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Saraswati, Lakshmi, etc.), the four different castes (Brahmana, Kshatriya, etc.), different relations (Mother, daughter, etc.), the nine the nine planets (Sun, moon, etc.), rivers (Ganga, Yamuna, etc.), animals (Lion, deer, etc.) and many others. There are numerous publications that identify the clinical benefit of yoga practice for various medical conditions, including oncology, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. However, these publications do not specifically report on the upper extremity sensorimotor, musculoskeletal, or neurophysiological results for hand therapy patients. As hand therapists are becoming more aware of the importance and value of respiration, core body strength, and posture to upper extremity function, the incorporation of hand Mudras could provide an integrated approach that broadens the treatment repertoire. On a tissue-specific level, differential tendon gliding, nerve gliding, and proprioception could be facilitated within a calming and holistic context using Mudras. It is well known that movement distributes lubricating synovial fluid, continually secreted into the joint by its synovial lining, over the surface of the cartilage that caps the bones. When the cartilage is well lubricated, the joi nt surfaces glide more easily across each other, reducing wear and tear. Joint movement also helps bring nutrients into cartilage, which lacks its own blood supply. Cartilage acts as a sponge that gets squeezed by movement. Stale synovial fluid, depleted of nutrients, is expressed thus allowing a fresh supply to soak in from the joint when the compression is released. Areas of the joint surface that are rarely used because they are outside the normal grooves of movement fail to get the nutrients they need and over time tend to degenerate. The practice of Mudras can be used to stimulate these little-used surfaces, a prime example of the use it or lose it theory. Mudra exercises can be individually tailored following injury to target specific muscles for the purpose of reducing stress, increasing range of motion, reducing pain, and increasing flexibility and strength. And experts in therapeutic yoga point out that individualizing a treatment approach is oftentimes vital in achieving a success outcome. In addition to working directly with specific injuries or medical conditions, yoga therapists also emphasize the role in healing that mindfulness and awareness the body plays. It can be been argued that tension held in the body often originates in the mind and must be dealt with there first. It is common knowledge that stress contributes to the development and prolongation of many medical conditions, which in turn can delay healing. Experts have noted that while a complaint may show up, for example, as a wrist disorder, effective treatment requires consideration of the upper extremity and torso as well as the role the mind plays in the condition. As part of medical treatment, Yogic philosophy would take into consideration posture, alignment, communication, and the effects of stress on the disorder. There will probably never be scientific validation for each style of yoga or Mudra practice, much less all the possible combinations. As B.K.S. Iyengar says Words fail to convey the total value of yoga. It has to be experienced. Some of yogas aims, like equanimity and compassion, are difficult if not impossible to quantify. And while the current scientific evidence is not robust by Western standards, the growing body of evidence that does exist should not be ignored. We must take some of what we know about yoga on faith-not a faith based on blind acceptance of doctrine, but one grounded in everyday experience. Much more research is needed, with studies being designed to take advantage of potentially beneficial interventions. Strategies that maximize compliance among subjects at greater risk for low adherence will be important for future trials, especially complementary treatments requiring greater effort than simple pill-taking. Carefully exploring the vast universe of yogic healing can provide affordable access to compelling new models of balance and wholeness. Taking a new approach, the middle ground between uncontrolled observations and reductionist philosophy may provide overall greater value to patients. In this age of health care reform it becomes imperative to add to the body of knowledge through not only randomized controlled trials, but through studies of screening and diagnostic tools based on Eastern systems of medicine and allied health sciences, outcome studies, cost effectiveness analyses, case-control series, and surveys with high response rate. As a therapeutic modality, yoga continues to show great potential for widespread use. The boundaries are still fluid, however provided that scientists, yoga therapists and physicians continue to communicate and learn from each other, the use of yoga practice and Mudras can expand as an noninvasive and effective means to improve strength and flexibility following injury.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Distinctively Visual â⬠The Droverââ¬â¢s Wife & The African Beggar Essay
The poem ââ¬ËThe African Beggarââ¬â¢ by Raymond Tong explores the despondency of humanityââ¬â¢s existence and our complete helplessness when faced with the adversity of ourselves and others through the distinctively visual description of an African beggar and his experience as an outcast to society. In the first stanza of the poem, the heterodiegetic narrator (considered to be Tong), introduces the beggar as a repulsive outcast. The description of the persona in the first line of the poem ââ¬Å"sprawled in the dustâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ immediately provokes an image of the beggar as something rather than someone, which has been alienated by society. This is further supported when the narrator describes the beggar as a ââ¬Å"target for small children, flies,à and dogsâ⬠as it says that the character is an object of attack, something that occupies an existence that is considered lower than that of humans and other creatures. The metaphoric language used, ââ¬Å"a heap of verm inous rags and matted hairâ⬠, persuades the audience to conjure an image of filth and poor physical hygiene, although this is followed by a juxtaposed metaphor, ââ¬Å"he watches with cunning reptile eyesâ⬠, which challenges the previous image and suggests that the persona is subtle and scheming, like a snake. Both of these images are also contrasted by the use of pronoun, reminding the reader that this character is human despite his description suggesting otherwise. In the Second stanza of the poem, although the authorââ¬â¢s image of the beggar as a filthy outcast is continued, the theme of humanityââ¬â¢s neglect and inadequacy is introduced to the audience. The metaphor use in the first line ââ¬Å"he shows his yellow stumps of teethâ⬠puts forward an image of physical ugliness and extreme lack of hygiene while the use of pronoun to refer to the beggar again reminds the audience that he is a human. The simile ââ¬Å"With hands like claws about his begging bowlâ⬠compares the hands of humanity to that of a skeleton (death), clinging to his one source of survival, his begging bowl. The tone of the poem changes dramatically in the third stanza when contrasted with the first. The poet allows the reader to empathise with the beggar. This is done through different language techniques such as the tone used in the first line; ââ¬Å"lying all aloneâ⬠which proposes that the persona is not aware of others anymore as Tong recognises the beggarââ¬â¢s suffering. In the phrase ââ¬Å"shadow of a crumbling wallâ⬠, the word ââ¬Å"shadowâ⬠suggests that the persona is in darkness, suffering from loneliness, while ââ¬Å"crumbling wallâ⬠represents the absence of a home for the man. The use of personification in the line ââ¬Å"Clutching the pitiless red earth in vainâ⬠displays the characterââ¬â¢s desperation. In the final line of the poem, the simile ââ¬Å"whimpering like a stricken animalâ⬠exhibits the beggarââ¬â¢s total and complete defeat and creates an image of a defenceless man at the mercy of others. The poem ââ¬ËThe African Beggarââ¬â¢ by Raymond Tong relates to the short story ââ¬ËThe Droverââ¬â¢s Wifeââ¬â¢, created by Henry Lawson, as both texts use distinctively visual language to surround the reader in a world of images that represent the story being told, and allow and encourage the audience to establish a relationship with the main persons of the text resulting in sympathising and understanding the characters. SHORT FILM TEXT ANALYSIS ââ¬ËMy Constellationââ¬â¢ Director: Toby Morris The short film ââ¬ËMy Constellationââ¬â¢, was directed by Toby Morris and won a place as a finalist in Tropfest 2014. The film follows a boy who is experiencing a deep loss and as a product embarks on an unusual adventure, leaving a trail of light bulbs wherever he goes. This text is distinctly visual solely through its cinematography due to the absence of dialogue, although sound contributes to the setting of atmosphere and direction in the short film. Morris vividly illustrates the image of the young boyââ¬â¢s lonely life and his experience of longing for someone that play an important role in his life. He does this through purposefully chosen sound and the careful thought of each mise en scene to allow the responders to either empathise or identify with the boy. The film is opened with a wide open shot of a starry night sky, followed by a close up shot of the protagonist, a small boy, who is laying upside down staring at the sky, quite obviously in deep thought. We see his mother leave the house and disappear into an unknown car. The darkness in the boyââ¬â¢s room as well as his lack of company and absence of his mother, as we had just seen, conveys to the responders that he is all alone, maybe isolated and there is a melancholic sense created through the featuring music as well as the protagonistââ¬â¢s expression and languid body language. Morris has then directed the camera to a medium shot, slowly panning to the left as the protagonist enters back into his bedroom shows an image of a close up shot of the light shining on a photo of a man who looks like a father figure, symbolizing the fact that this man is like a star, a bright part of his life, illuminating the darkness. This effect points out to the viewer of the protagonistââ¬â¢s experience of longing someone very important. Morris also creates a vivid image of the fatherââ¬â¢s importance for the protagonist, to build up the purpose of the film. He portrays the protagonist riding a bicycle with a string of shining light bulbs in the dead of night. The medium shot of him riding the bicycle panning upwardsà symbolizes the journey that the protagonist goes through and the motif of light bulbs illuminating through the darkness symbolizes the stars in the night sky. This effect indicates to the viewer that the protagonist is alluding to his father being in space, going on a journey through the stars, emphasizing the idea that idolizes his father and wants to follow in his footsteps. In both ââ¬Å"The Droverââ¬â¢s Wifeâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Loaded Dogâ⬠, Lawson has used a variety of techniques to clearly depict vivid images of the experiences the characters have endured with each other and with the Australian outback. Similarly, in ââ¬Å"My Constellationâ⬠, Morris has also vividly represented the journey and ambition the protagonist goes through, and specifically relates the expression of isolation and hardship that the woman faces in the absence of her husband. This text was chosen by me because I feel as though I can personally empathise and identify with the main character of the short film. The concept of feeling a little lonely and isolated when a significant figure or person is absent is universal and is definitely applicable to me personally as I have experienced this before. GREAT SOUTHERN LAND Standing at the limit of an endless ocean Stranded like a runaway, lost at sea City on a rainy day down in the harbour Watching as the grey clouds shadow the bay Looking everywhere ââ¬â¢cause I had to find you This is not the way that I remember it here Anyone will tell you itââ¬â¢s a prisoner island Hidden in the summer for a million years Great Southern Land, burned you black So you look into the land and it will tell you a story Story ââ¬â¢bout a journey ended long ago If you listen to the motion of the wind in the mountains Maybe you can hear them talking like I do ââ¬Å"Theyââ¬â¢re gonna betray, theyââ¬â¢re gonna forget you Are you gonna let them take you over this wayâ⬠Great Southern Land, Great Southern Land You walk alone like a primitive man And they make it work with sticks and bones See their hungry eyes, itââ¬â¢s a hungry home I hear the sound of the strangerââ¬â¢s voices I see their hungry eyes, their hungry eyes Great Southern Land, Great Southern Land They burned you black, black against the ground Great Southern Land, in the sleeping sun You walk alone with the ghost of time They burned you black, black against the ground And they make it work with rocks and sand I hear the sound of the strangerââ¬â¢s voices I see their hungry eyes, their hungry eyes Great Southern Land, Great Southern Land You walk alone, like a primitive man You walk alone with the ghost of time And they burned you black Yeah, they burned you black Great Southern Land x 4 TEXT ANALYSIS ââ¬ËGreat Southern Landââ¬â¢ Singers: Iceland The song ââ¬ËGreat Southern Landââ¬â¢ by Iceland was written at the beginning of significant decade in relation to Indigenous affairs and the injustices done by the white settlers. Although there is ambivalence towards the land and the position of the indigenous and non-indigenous people are not mentioned, there is heavy use distinctively visual, sound, cinematography and metaphoric language in the text to convey the songââ¬â¢s purpose. The song opens on a strange, almost spooky, note which is held for a long duration; this immediately creates a mood of suspense and is some sort of vocal representation of the Australian land. The use of metaphor and simile in theà first two lines ââ¬Å"Standing at the limit of an endless ocean, Stranded like a runaway lost at seaâ⬠create a vision of the first white inhabitants of Australia looking causelessly over the Australian land, and highlights the segregation of the continent from white civilisation. This idea of isolation and image of a never ending desert land is supported by the lead singer Iva Davies literally ââ¬Ëwalking aloneââ¬â¢ on what looks like a desolate rocky hill. The specific camera angles used throughout the music video convey different images and moods, for example the high angled shots of the singer while walking down the rocky hill suggests that the harsh environment he is surrounded by is somewhat overwhelming, and soundly conveys the feelings that the first white settlers would have experienced. However, the low angles of the singer while walking and singing create an image of dominance over the land. This conjures an image in the responderââ¬â¢s mind of the white settlers ââ¬Ëdominatingââ¬â¢ the land in the form of deeply disturbing Aborigine culture/ land and oppressing the Indigenous people to extremes. The lyrics ââ¬Å"I hear the strangersââ¬â¢ voicesâ⬠and the personification in ââ¬Å"I see their hungry eyesâ⬠really persuades the individualââ¬â¢s mind to envision the confused and frightened Aborigine people as well the white inhabitants of the land lusting after a land that does not rightfully belong to them, and allows the audience to empathise with their situation. The lyrics ââ¬Å"million yearsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"long agoâ⬠combined with the fading images of daylight to sunset encourages the audience to reflect on past injustices that have eventually lead to the current (at the time) Aboriginal movements. Then, as the remaining daylight fades from the sky, and the colour shifts from orange to blue, and the final repetition of the lyrics ââ¬Å"Great Southern Landâ⬠is sung by Davies, the responders of accompanied by a sense of loss and a vision of the Indigenous people of Australia the suffering caused by the white settlersââ¬â¢ actions. This text relates to Henry Lawsonââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËThe Droverââ¬â¢s Wifeââ¬â¢ through the use of several language techniques and the use of visual or verbal symbolism to express the isolation of its characters. This text was chosen by me for its nature. I like its metaphoric meaning and reference to the damaging of the Aboriginal civilisation by the white settlers. Aboriginal spirituality and the hardships they faced is something Iââ¬â¢ve studied previously and have a thorough understanding of.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Internal And External Environment Of Di Bella Coffee
Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Business Description 3 PESTEL Analysis 4 Political and Legal 4 Economical 4-5 Socio-Cultural 5-6 Technological 6 Environmental 6-7 Porterà ´s Five Forces 7 Bargaining Power of Buyers 8 Bargaining Power of Suppliers 8 Threat of new Entrants 8 Threat of Substitutes 9 Degree of Rivalry 9 Competitor Identification 10 Merlo Coffee 10-11 Vittoria 11 SWOT Analysis 11-12 Marketing Mix Analysis 13 Strategic Positioning and Market Attractiveness 14-15 Market Segmentation Analysis 16 Potential Market Opportunities 17 References 18-21 Executive Summary The purpose of this report was to analyze the internal and external environment of Di Bella Coffee in order to identify the brandà ´s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as evaluating the market situation and the brandà ´s strategic positioning. The findings will demonstrate that Di Bella Coffee is one of Australiaà ´s leading specialty coffee chains and is starting to expand into the international market successfully. The combination of a high quality product, the focus on customer service and new innovation together with the strong brand image have led to Di Bella Coffeà ´s success. In order to stay competitive and profitable in the coffee market and to meet consumer demand, Di Bella Coffee will need to evaluate the changing needs of the coffee
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Essay on Entrepreneurship and Success - 883 Words
I believe that being Entrepreneur is an American dream; who would not want to choose their own hours and have a successful business that they could leave behind as a legacy? I also believe that they are very few people that have the skills and qualities to be successful at achieving entrepreneurship; this is partly due to many Entrepreneurs lacking the skills to build around their vision. I thinks thatââ¬â¢s why some people believe that entrepreneurs are born and not made, for it is indicated in our assigned reading Entrepreneurship 8th Edition, that the working definition of acquiring and maintain Entrepreneurship is described as ââ¬Å"ââ¬Å"Entrepreneurship being in the process of creating something new with value by devoting theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦None of my successes would have been possible without my family.â⬠(News week 2008, Vol. 152) Lisa price like myself is an African American female who want to find success in providing products and services to her community and her culture. Lisa also constantly mentions that her mother is her role model which is why she named her products line ââ¬Å"Carols Daughterââ¬â¢s. ââ¬Å"Lisa Price began her business by hand-mixing personal care products for women of color in her Brooklyn, N.Y., kitchen in 1994. Along with marketing guru Steve Stoute, Price annual sales was said to exceed $30 million. Two years after signing an investment deal with a group of Hollywoods brightest stars - including Will Smith, Jada Pickett Smith and Shawn Jay-Z Carter - the brand now has freestanding locations from coast to coast, a booming business at Sephora and has entered Macys. Now the brand has upped the ante considerably by tackling the highly competitive and financially problematic world of color cosmetics. (Naughton, 2007 Vol. 194, pg. 5) Just by reading Lisa Price BIO, I believe that Lisa Price possess several special characteristics that makes her a successful entrepren eur , such as: 1. She recognized early on that she needed to work hard and long hours. 2. She proceeded to use resources and connectionsShow MoreRelatedThe Success Of The Popularity Of Entrepreneurship2781 Words à |à 12 Pagesin the current economic situation, is a outstanding number. 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Overall, Startup America is a process that believes entrepre neurship is a core American value that allowed for the country to be where its at, therefore, this campaign is trying to increase the success and overallRead MoreThe Teachability Dilemma of Entrepreneurship1296 Words à |à 6 Pagesit is the entrepreneurs and their activities that are the critical factor for success, prosperity, growth and opportunity in any given economy. Entrepreneurship is not easy and it comes with its own risks and up and downs. On the last decade, entrepreneurship has rose and expanded, with this change and constant expansion, it has changed the rules of entrepreneurship once again. But I certainly believe that entrepreneurship doesnââ¬â¢t necessarily require all entrepreneurs to have the same level of educationRead MoreConcept of Entrepreneurship1455 Words à |à 6 PagesQ1. Discuss and define the concept of ââ¬Ëentrepreneurshipââ¬â¢. The entrepreneur is our visionary, the creator in each of us. Were born with that quality and it defines our lives as we respond to what we see, hear, feel, and experience. It is developed, nurtured, and given space to flourish or is squelched, thwarted, without air or stimulation, and dies. Michael Gerber The term entrepreneur has been around since the seventeenth-century, it originates from France, where the phrase ââ¬Å"entreprendreâ⬠wasRead MoreHow Entrepreneurship Is Important For The Growth And Development Of A Nation And Boosts1398 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe firm. It is the ability to accept the various risks associated with the business type and taking the initiative to make the profits amid inherent start-up challenges. The individuals engaging in entrepreneurship are entrepreneurs who are innovative and self-motivated to succeed. Entrepreneurship is important for the growth and development of a nation and boosts its ability to compete favorably in the global arena (ACS, 2010). Objectives of the fifth annual HKUST The competition is an opportunityRead MoreRelationship Between Entrepreneurship And The Economic Development Essay1091 Words à |à 5 Pagesthe relationship between entrepreneurship and the economic development in Saudi Arabia. Entrepreneurship is the process of managing, organizing and developing a business venture in a competitive environment that is dynamic (Kuratko 2016 pp3). An entrepreneur is an inventor, leader, innovator, and pioneer and most significantly, a performer. The heart of a national advantage is often pegged on entrepreneurship. The operation of an enterprise is within the entrepreneurship ecosystems that include governmentalRead MoreLeadership, Strategy, And Entrepreneurship Essay796 Words à |à 4 PagesRunning head: LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY, AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1 Leadership, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship ââ¬Å"Simple Answers to Practical Questions Leading to Successâ⬠Alessandra Bravi University of the People LEADERSHIP, STRATEGY, AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 Leadership, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship ââ¬Å"Simple Answers to Practical Questions Leading to Successâ⬠Even though they belong to different fields, leadership, strategy and entrepreneurship play a key role in achieving success, because they are complementary in
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